Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Kick Ass!

Today was the first day of my walk/run training - and it kicked ass! I thought it was going to be totally different, but it was absolutely awesome! SS set me up with a great system!

This week, we walk 6 minutes and jog one. Repeat it 3 more times. So easy. Do it 3 times this week. Super easy! I'm going to be running a 5k before I know it!

Other than that, today was a bust. Ate too many whole grains and spent the whole day in pain. Whole grains are hard on your system! It sucks. But, I worked out this morning, and did my interval training after work, so really, not bad. Now if only I could get my eating in line.

I'm really struggling with lunches. I'm good with breakfast, snacks and dinner, but lunch sucks. I pack something, then don't want to eat it, so I got and grab something at Safeway. Safeway is better than fast food, but only marginally! If anyone has any suggestions for me, please! Let me know!

Time to go though, TBL is on in 20 minutes! Have a great night everyone! Write down your positive message from today so you can think about it tomorrow when you don't want to work out, or when you want to eat that donut!

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