Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Home Alone

I've discovered something about myself today. If I'm at home alone right after work, I will eat and eat and eat, and not care. Yep, that's right. I'm a closet eater. I never really thought about it before, but it totally makes sense.

I can totally understand now what Daris from TBL went through on his month at home (as broad casted last night). He ate late a night to combat stress, and when he was bored. I get that. I do that. I'm an emotional eater, and yes, I eat more when I'm bored or stressed. Stupid, stupid way to be.

At least I know it. Maybe I can change it. It's going to take some work, but I can do it.

Just like not eating out. Tonight I almost asked John if he wanted to go out to eat instead of cooking something at home, but I held back. Eating lunch at home has helped, but I just can't keep driving back and forth from town. Too much gas. At least I'm eating better, but spending more money on gas really doesn't help my money stress.

I think that walking or doing the walk/jog after work is really helping me out. I feel hungry when I get home, but not so bad that I need to scarf, like I think I need to once I get home from work. Yet another great reason to get my butt outside and go!

Have a good night all!

1 comment:

  1. I am a closet eater.
    I am someone who eats when bored too.
    Emotional eater, that's me...

    I'm so proud of you for making lunches,
    And making supper at home.
    I need to learn from you.

