Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday Goals - Live from Chetwynd!

Today, as many Sundays to come, I'm coming to you live from Chetwynd, BC! John has been working here for the last few weeks, and has about another month here. Well, 3 or 4 weeks. A month is easier to say, just not easier to think. I'm not sure why I've been so worried about keeping where I am a secret, but now you know where I am, at least today!

I'm stuck in John's basement suite that he's been sharing with his soon-to-be step dad. And, I forgot my book. And, I don't really feel like having a shower and getting ready. And, since it's Sunday, there's nothing on TV. I have "Moving Up" on TLC in the background, but I think I've seen every episode, so it's not that interesting anymore. Thankfully, the Internet is working. I've been going checking out everything I can online. And, I've found something kind of frustrating.

I was on JM's site, adding in my last weight from yesterday morning. As of July 3, I weigh 188.5 pounds. 21.5 pounds lost. Now, I do recognize that this is a huge accomplishment, though, if you saw me in person, I would tell you about it, then get all blushy when you congratulated me. I love people knowing what I'm doing, but I'm still embarrassed when I get compliments. Just one of those things. But, I think that might lead me to what I found on JM's site this morning. When I put in my weight, there's a section where you can check out your ideal weight based on your height and weight. Well, basically, that's BMI, and while I think that BMI is an outdated way of thinking, it still puts things into perspective. My goal weight should be from 130-145 pounds, with a bit added because I do have a large frame for such a shorty. I'm thinking maybe 150 should be my ideal weight. Which is fine. I want to see if I can get down to 145, but if I can't maintain it, I know that it's vanity weight, and I will be happy somewhere in the 150s.

Then I looked at the BMI chart. Technically, I'm still in the obese category. 180 pounds is the last weight on that part of the chart, and 174 is the lowest number on the overweight side. That kind of depresses me. I've lost 21.5 pounds, and I'm still in the obese category! Now, I'm not depressed about the weight loss. I'm still very excited about what I've been doing. I mean, who wouldn't be when their husband tells them how proud he is, and how excited he is that they're changing their life? No, what I'm depressed about is the fact that at one point, not too long ago, like the beginning of this year, I was right in the middle of the obese category! That's freaking crazy, is what that is! I mean, eww! It's still hard for me to believe I let myself go that badly! I just don't understand fully how it happened. I know that sounds silly, like, I should know how it happened. And I do, but I don't understand how I didn't realize how bad it was for me. I went from walking everywhere for 20 months in Kamloops, which is a city made on hills, to moving up here, and driving everywhere. I ate pretty crappy in Kamloops too, but I walked, and for the summer months I used to walk downtown from Sahali after working an 8 hour shift in a fast food kitchen, work out at the YMCA, then walk up this huge hill home.

I just can't wrap my head around all of the changes that took place when I moved North. Life changes, I know, but it shouldn't have changed in the way that it did. It should have changed in the ways that it is now. I mean, walking in Kamloops was one thing, but I never imagined running a 5K, or a 10K, or doing something like the Emperor's Challenge. I wish I had went in that direction, instead of the eating fast food and not doing anything frame of mind.

So, my goals for this week?

Do 3-4 sessions of running for 10 minutes. I can only do 2 sets of 10 right now, yesterday I did a 6 minute after the 2 10s, but I need to be able to do 3 sets of 10. That's the goal for the week. Then I'm going to step it up a bit more so I can get that 5K down.

Attempt at getting up and doing a JM workout. The Yoga Meltdown is kicking my ass hard, but I think it's mostly due to the tendonitis in my wrists. But, I think if I keep trying, it'll get easier. I think it's because I'm used to yoga being slow and deliberate, not fast and deliberate.

And, I would like to get a real yoga class in sometime too. I think they're going to start them up again this week (the classes we cancelled all last week) so I'll just have to find the schedule, and go. At least once.

And, I'm going to eat well. Not great, I know that! I know that there is one day during the week that I'm going to crack, but hopefully I can convince myself that if I need to crack, I should just go to Subway.

And, last but not least, I'm going to do some soul searching. Of sorts. Figure out why I fell into my slump, and figure out a way for it to not happen again. I know that I'm going to need lots of support, so if I call you and need you to just listen while I freak out about stuff, I need you to listen. I know there are a few of you reading that will, and I appreciate it. I'll thank you in advance!

Anyways, I'm thinking I should get my butt in gear and do something. I have pictures to take (can't wait for tomorrow's photo from the weekend) and I'm going to visit the visitor's info centre to get some brochures for John and my vacation in August. We're having a whirlwind of a vacation (I'll let you in on the details soon!) and I like to be prepared. Know exactly where we're going. I really hate flying by the seat of my pants! So, I get organized. Visitor's info centre's are the best for people like me. Brochures, brochures, brochures!

Have a great Sunday everyone! Thanks for reading my huge blog today!!

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