Friday, April 30, 2010

The Flu

So, Wednesday night was not my most favourite night. Started getting the flu-like symptoms early in the afternoon, but brushed it off as an upset stomach. Then, it all went downhill. I don't think I've ever been that sick before in my life. I say that every time I'm sick, but I think it gets progressively worse each time. And, no, it's not as my friend NL says, "sperm induced." No babies here.

Being stuck on the couch for a day got me thinking about how bad it is to not be able to work out. I could barely get up to get a glass of water, let alone get up to walk or work out. That is a super crappy feeling. How weird is it that only a couple of weeks ago I couldn't even imagine walking 5 kilometers after work and now I can't stop thinking that it would be so nice to get out and go for a walk! I'm just living proof that you can do it! Changing your attitude doesn't take a whole lot!

I'm still in a lot of pain due to the throwing up and sleeping on the couch all day, but stay tuned for tomorrow's blog - see how I did with my monthly goal! I'm switching recipe Saturdays and goal Sundays this week due to the first day of May falling on Saturday. Stay tuned, y'all!

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