Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Have any of you ever been snubbed? By a friend (or ex-friend as it may be), a co-worker, or anyone at all? I just got snubbed, and honestly, it felt pretty good.

You know that friend that you have (and we all have at least one) that bitches and compains about how other people treat them, and when they treat you like that, it doesn't matter?

Like, take this for instance. My ex-friend (the snubber) used to cancel out on me all the time. If she didn't feel like doing something, she would come up with an excuse and I would be left hanging. On the night before her birthday I got absolutely no sleep. I fell asleep the night of her birthday at 7pm. I could not keep my eyes open. No way. So, the next day, I called and apologized, and thought we were good. That was March 2, and I've seen her once other than today since then.

Basically today she snubbed me. Didn't even care to stop to say hi. And you know what? I was ok with that. I keep thinking about our relationship. It wasn't that great. We got along well, but really didn't have a lot in common. And now that I'm trying to exercise and get on with my life, I don't think our friendship would have lasted. I need friends who support me, not just to bitch to. All we did was bitch about others and jobs and stuff, and while that's important, support is more so.

I couldn't believe how good it feels to know that the relationship with her is over. So glad. Like a weight off of my shoulders. No more negativity! And the worst of it was that I didn't even realize she was so negative until we weren't friends anymore. Isn't it funny how that happens sometimes?

My advice for today is to start listening in on your conversations with friends. I mean, really listen. If they say more negative things that positive, it might be time to change it up. Not that you have to dump your friend, but maybe you need to hang with them less. Surround yourself with positivity!!

And don't forget, write down some positives from today!

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