Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I don't know what's up with me, but I am so freaking tired today! WTF?!? Last night I fell asleep around 8:30 and slept right through until 4:50 this morning. Absolutely amazing for me, I'd say. I mean, I am a sleeper. If I have the chance to go to bed early, I take it! But I always wake up early. I'm usually awake at 4:30, waiting for the alarm to go off. Even this weekend I was super duper tired! John tried to make Saturday night a romantic night - he made me dress up, bought me roses (first time ever!), cooked dinner and planned to take me to a movie. I made it through dinner, and then passed out on the couch at 6 when we were watching hockey. He woke me up around 8 I think, and I went right to bed. I still woke up early (around 5:30 both weekend days) but I just don't know. The only thing I can think of is that I'm doing so much and not eating enough. Take today. I had some cereal for breakfast, a Babybell cheese and an apple sauce for a snack, Booster Juice and an egg scrambler for lunch, weird popcorn healthy thing for a snack, half a granola bar, and now we're having soup and grilled cheese for dinner. It seems like a lot, but maybe it's not enough of the things I need for energy. Or, maybe I'm just sleeping too much and my body is weirded out. Either way, I'm up until 10 tonight to watch the Biggest Loser, and there isn't anything that is going to stop me. Maybe I'll be doing jumping jacks in the commercial breaks!

Still, with being so tired, I still walked 5k after work. I put on my pedometer, and from where my mom and I park our trucks and back, it's just under 5k. Not too shabby for an hours walk. Now time to start running it (SS, I'm up for the challenge! Bring it on! We'll be running 5k together this summer!).

Have a good night everyone! Watch The Biggest Loser tonight!

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