Sunday, April 11, 2010


John and I went for that walk yesterday, and for one today. I have sore muscles and 2 blisters to show for it. My feet freaking hurt, but nothing some band-aids and Polysporin can't fix. It was chilly both days walking, but it was good nonetheless.

Yesterday we walked what I like to call the "Estate Walk." Basically there are paved trails all through town, and there is one section that is near our college, and goes along a whole bunch of new houses. It's pretty nice, except you start thinking about how awesome it would be to have one of those houses, until you see the cost. One of the new houses is upwards of about $600K, and an older one is at least $400K. Much out of our price range. Maybe if we didn't have a truck payment and planned on never going on vacation or getting out of debt ever. The path is nice, but the dreams of the estates haunt you.

Today we walked from home. It's in the negative temperature wise, and snowing a bit. Nice time to go for a walk, eh? There are a lot of gas wellsites around here, so there are lots of random roads all over the place so it's easy to find a place to go walk. We decided to go on the road closest to us to see if we could find somewhere to get to the river from this side of the river. We walked down a painfully straight road only to find that there's nothing at the end. On the way back the wind was blowing so hard that my eyes were tearing up and then freezing because of the wind. What a day.

But, it felt good to get out. Otherwise we would have just sat on our asses all day like we've been doing for the past 3 years. Hoepfully we can keep the momentum going and get the "30 Day Shred" going tomorrow and keep it going for 30 days. I want to see how much I can lose in 30 days. This week will be difficult with food. I don't have the money to go out and buy the normal diet things I eat, and we're heading into the city to go to a concert at a bar, and yes, there will be a lot of drinks that night. Oh well. You've got to live. Getting workouts in will help me not gain so much!

Tonight I'm going to get John to do my measurements and tomorrow I will weigh. Let's see how we're going to start this time.

Have a great night! Go out and go for a quick walk, why don't ya?

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