Saturday, April 10, 2010

Introductions Come First!

Hello World!

My name is Kara, and I am a 23 year old woman living in northern British Columbia (the most beautiful place on Earth), Canada.

In the last 3 years, I have gained over 40 pounds. It's now time for me to get those pounds off! I'm tired of wearing size 33 jeans, and size 16 dresses and want to get back into size 29 jeans and size 12 dresses!

On Monday, my husband and I are starting a new lifestyle. I'm not even going to call it a diet because then we will fail. It's inevitable that if you say you're going on a diet, you're going to fail. Lifestyle change seems much better to me.

I've been reading Jillian Micahel's book, "Winning By Losing" and I am going to use this blog as my journal. She is always talking about making yourself aware of your struggles so that you can learn from them, and this is the perfect way. I can always look back on my blog, and see what happened in the week that made me slip off track.

On January 1st, my husband and I weighed in. I started out 2010 at 209 pounds. I didn't diet at all that month, but I did do a cleanse, and on February 1st, my mom and I started at the gym. I weighed 208.5 pounds. We worked our butts off, and by March 1, I weighed 203 pounds. Five and a half pounds in a month really isn't that bad, but it wasn't enough. I began Jillian Michael's "30 Day Shred" shortly after that. I made it down to 199 with the program and eating right, but I did something to my achilles tendon in one foot, and all was lost. I stopped working out because of the pain, and I think I'm back up to about 205 pounds. I haven't weighed in a while because I feel ashamed. I was doing so well, and now I'm completely off the track. The track is so far away I can't even imagine where it was.

Then earlier this week, my "sister" Ashley emailed me to ask if I was still trying to lose weight because she needs a support person. This was just what I needed! We live about a 10 hour drive apart, so we can't exactly workout together, but we can email and text back and forth and support each other on our journeys. It's just what I needed! Someone to keep me on track, and help me along. My husband is great, but when it comes down to it, he's just as lazy as I am. That's why we're in this mess to begin with! At least with my sissy behind me, I might be able to make it!

I'm thinking that maybe since it's so nice out, I should wake my hubby from his nap and make him go for a walk. It's a bit chilly out, but I think once we get moving it might not be so bad.

Talk to you all later!

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