Thursday, April 29, 2010

2010 is the Year of Kara

So, a few days ago I started thinking about the years past.

2004: I graduated high school, left my home town. Went to college for a semester then decided I wanted none of it.

2005: Moved back to my home town. Moved out of my home town once I realized it was a trap.

2006: Best year ever! Got in shape, but had my very first heartbreak. But, then I started seeing my honey for who he is now.

2007: Did another semester at college, met some good people, but then moved up North. Bought a house and a new truck :)

2008: Got engaged, and started planning a wedding.

2009: Got married!

2010: This will me the year of me.

It seems that in the last 3 years up here, I let go of a lot of things. I've changed so much since then it's unbelievable! My mindset about so many things has changed too! I used to be somewhat of an activist - I had my opinions on things and wasn't afraid to share them. Now I prefer to not say anything because it's too much work trying to defend what you believe. The biggest thing that has changed has been my weight and my attitude about being active. I didn't have a vehicle all that time ago, so my mode of transportation was my legs. I hated public transit, and only used it when absolutely necessary. When I was bored, I wouldn't just sit and eat, I'd go for a walk. Sometimes just to Starbucks to read outside in the sun, but at least I got out. I used to go to the gym on top of all of that walking. Now, I sit.

I'm starting to change all of that. Going for a walk after work is becoming such a habit that I'm kinda mad when we have a staff meeting after work (like yesterday), or when I have to work late (like today). It sucks! I want to get out there and get active. I need to get me a rain coat of some kind, because the skies are not looking nice for me this week. I'll deal, but the last thing I need is getting sick!

And watching what I eat is a challenge. When I start to stress, the first thing I do is think about going out and eating a whole bag of chips. I've done really well so far, but that thought is still stuck in my mind. I'm not sure how to change that in my head. Everyone is going to have cravings, it's all in what you do about them, I guess. I hope I can make it through this week and weekend OK, that way maybe I can have myself a little treat!

Have a great night everyone! Make sure you're still writing down some positives!

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