Friday, April 23, 2010

A Night With The Oil Wives

So, as I alluded to yesterday, we had quite the interesting night at Oil Wives last night. We tried out a new restaurant and they closed down the whole place for us. Pretty cool right? Wrong.

They are so new that they do not have a liquor license. No problem, if you get the right permits. I think we all just assumed that everything was good, and started our normal eating and drinking. Then, around the time the wait staff was serving dessert, one of the ladies stands up and tells us the news. The RCMP showed up and confiscated all of the booze. Apparently the owners of the restaurant dropped the ball (which doesn't surprise me since the guys were higher than kites and reeked like weed) and didn't get the right permit.

Now, if you want to see a bunch of ladies freak out, take away their booze on Oil Wives night. There were 3 especially that made me laugh so badly. They were calling lawyers, freaking out so hard. Too funny. Just deal with it ladies! I mean, come on! It's only booze.

So, we get on with our meeting. Half way through, 2 of them leave and go to the liquor store and buy over $300 worth of wine. They poured it into pop bottles and stuff to hide it. Yeah, like you can hide it if the cops decide to do a check later.

What a night. I left before the RCMP showed up again. What a mess. I am so glad that I am not a boozer like that. I had 3 glasses of wine (2 showed up unexpectedly at my table, I swear!) and that was more than enough for me! Way more than enough! I planned on one, but I should know better when I sit with the President of the club and another woman who you can just tell oozes money.

Ah, oh well. I knew last night was a write off. Time to get back into it. And to watch the Canucks!

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