Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To Get Pregnant Or Not To Get Pregnant...

...that is the question.

In the May 2010 issue of Women's Health, JM tells the world that when she is ready to have children, she will adopt. Quote: "I can't handle doing that to my body." Now, fast forward to where the public takes that the wrong way.

Within hours (I'm sure) of this issue coming out, JM is being called all sorts of bad things, people are misquoting her, saying that she doesn't want to get pregnant because it will "ruin" her body.

Personally, I think that if you want to adopt, and not get pregnant, shouldn't that be your choice? Why do people have to take that as a bad thing? I mean, yes, saying that you don't want to get preganant because it will ruin your body? That's a pretty selfish thing to say, and especially for someone in the public eye that is a role model for thousands. But, if you don't want to get pregnant, it really should be your choice.

I'm still unsure. I mean, I'm pretty sure I want to have a kid. I am a woman, so naturally, I get baby fever every once in a while. I mean, when everyone around me was having a baby, I thought about it. Good thing we're up to our ears in debt right now! Or else, I'd be there too. Right now, I think John and I need to focus on getting our lives together, then we can think seriously about babies. I don't think that once I'm done losing weight and in a different lifestyle, and out of debt, anything will change. I still want to be called "Mom" one day. Whether or not that baby is biologically mine, is a completely different story.

What do you think? It's such a broad debate, and I know the women out there with kids are thinking that I'm crazy for even considering adoption, or for waiting, but I guess it is different for everyone.

Have a good night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. adaption is great, think of all those poor children out there who just need someone to love them. If you decide not to have children and adapt all the power to you sister!!!
