Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Goals

Well, after this crazy week, I still lost weight. I'm currently at 187 pounds. I didn't think I'd be able to lose anything with all the stress that this week brought me, and maybe I would have been able to lose a few more pounds, but I'll take the 1 pound loss. Better than 1 pound gained.

I've been thinking a lot about my goals lately. I'm having an incredibly hard time keeping motivated. I only ran once this week, with Uncle B. I walked one morning with John, and walked once with Mom and did her workout once. I'm just having a really hard time. I'm realizing more now that I want and need John to be there with me, to help me out. Not every single day, because he works so hard for us, that sometimes he just can't find the energy, but I think we do need to have a sit down either while we're on vacation, or after, about working out together a few nights or mornings a week. For the both of us.

Since this week was so rough for me, my eating habits went down the tubes. My first real stress test and I failed, miserably. All I did was eat this week. Amazing how I lost a pound still. Not quite sure how it happened. I ate things I haven't thought about in months. Chips and dip, chocolate bars, you name it, I wanted it and had it. Not the best week for my body ever. Though, that's what it was like before. All that I did this past week was a regular week for me before.

But, it's time to move on from it. John and I have made it through our first real issue, and it feels good now. I still have some lingering after effects from it all, but that's just how I am. I'm going to think about it for a long time, just like the huge mess I had with CR back in the day. I still think about it sometimes, though now I can laugh about it, instead of cry. I'm going to try really hard in the next 2 weeks to get through this so it's not a constant thought it my head, because it's driving me mental. I feel guilt for something I didn't really even do, so it's tough. It's just how I am. I will make it through, just have to deal with it.

As for my weight goals, they have been changing. I went on JM's site this morning, and updated my gaols. I had set my goal to be 150 pounds, which, at that point, I thought was almost unattainable. Now that I've lost 23 pounds, I don't see it as so unattainable anymore. As per JM's site, my goal weight should be between 130-145 pounds. Now I'm definitely thinking that could happen. It's going to be tons and tons of work to get there, but I think I can make it. To get to the top end of that goal, I have 42 pounds to lose. If I lose 2 pounds a week for the rest of the year, I can make that goal. Now, I know, that's a pretty lofty goal, because losing 2 pounds a week is fine, until you hit a plateau. I'm prepared for those, but I know I can make it through those things. If I don't lose 2 pounds one week, I'll work harder the next to see if I can lose 2. I'm not setting myself up a goal to fail. I'm not going to set a firm time limit on losing anything. I'm going to try to lose 2 pounds each week, and that is my only real goal. I think it's better than saying "I need to lose XX pounds by XXXXXX." For me, all that does is stress me out, and I can't do it. I think that 2 pounds a week is a great goal.

According to JM's website, I have 13 pounds to lose until I am in the "overweight" category. That's not too bad. 174 pounds, and I'm back into the overweight side, instead of grossly obese. Now, I know, I've never felt like I should be in the obese category, because, in comparison to a lot of people, I'm not anywhere near obese. But, just being able to look at one of those charts, and not cringe? That's going to be great. And, I'm just thinking, like, since I've lost 23 pounds, I've gone down 2 pants sizes. I can fit into 11's again, which means I'm only a size away from the 9's that I have stuffed in the back of the closet from Kamloops. I think that this next pant size will take a lot more work to come off, but I know I can. The attitude change I've undergone is amazing.

Last night, I had a glass of wine, breaking my not drinking goal. It felt so good though! And really, one glass of wine isn't going to kill me. It was hot out, and it felt right. And it was sooo yummy! Now, that doesn't mean I'm going to start drinking all the time, but maybe it can be my Saturday night, end of the week, happy night with John drink. One drink. That's all...Until Convention, that is.

So, my goals for the week: eat better (which shouldn't take much, in comparison to this week), run at least 3 times, and drink lots and lots of water!

Have you made any goals for the week that you'd like to share? I love feedback!

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