Monday, August 9, 2010

Vacation Day 4

I'm pretty sure that I forgot to blog yesterday. Pretty sure. It was such a busy day. Here's what went down.

We went to Chapel with John's family in the morning. Two and a half hours of singing and dancing and preaching. It wasn't all bad. The music is all written by members of the church, so for me it was good as long as I could ignore the lyrics. The sermon, or whatever you want to call it was ok. I only laughed at one point, but the pastor was so loud that even John didn't notice. I was very surprised that they did communion. I always assumed that was a Catholic thing to do and that no one else did it. Overall, it wasn't bad, but I won't be heading off to church every Sunday.

Then we headed out to Stump Lake to visit a friend of mine, CB. It was a nice way to spend an afternoon. Such a beautiful lake, and the weather was awesome.

Then we came home and I pretty much crashed. I haven't worked out in so long that I'm feeling a bit guilty, but whatever. I'm on vacation!!

More later...hopefully I won't forget again!
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